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Insurance company paying up following 2 On Your Side report
BAKER - A man's house is being fixed thanks to 2 On Your Side.
Mike Burnette's Baker home was pushed off of its pilings during the August flood. The rushing current from the Comite River nudged the house about an inch and a half making it uneven. He lives just a few lots over from the river.
In January, Burnette's insurance company said it was going to pay $38,000 to replace the floor and insulation, but it was not going to pay to level the house until 2 On Your Side aired a story.
"I said, 'What do you think I got a team of horses and pulled the house of the blocks like that,'" he said.
Burnette said Wright Flood called him four days after the story aired with a change of tune. It would award the money to level the home after all. Half up front and half following an inspection after the job is complete.
"When you filmed it you showed them what was really happening and they got busy," said Burnette.
Now with insurance money in hand to level his home, a crew began the process of jacking up the house to replace the 37 pilings under Burnette's home. It'll take Personal Touch Services about a week to complete the job, which is great news for the homeowners who have been waiting months to start rebuilding.
"The only reason we're getting anything done is 2 On Your Side," he said.
He's looking forward to replacing the flooring and insulation once the house is level.